New Padnos 杰出的艺术家 eager to embed in 社区,引导学生

A person standing at a podium gestures while speaking.
Katya Grokhovsky will serve as the next Padnos 杰出的艺术家.

这位艺术家将成为下一个受害者 Padnos 杰出的艺术家 看到了机会 Grand Valley to meld two passions – travel and working in an academic setting – to help advance the growth of GVSU's aspiring 专业艺术家以及她自己的作品.

Katya Grokhovsky is starting the residency in August. The special role in the Department of 视觉与媒体艺术 is designed to help students understand the business side and 艺术世界的市场.

"I really like the idea of educators and artists together," said Grokhovsky, who noted how her frequent travel 也有利于她的工作. “我对这个国家真的很好奇 and this is a way to be embedded much longer and really get to know 人. It's exciting to me and invigorating and refreshing. It feels like my practice moves forward every time."

As a Brooklyn-based artist and native of Ukraine, Grokhovsky has welcomed the opportunities to research different 每个州都有“自己的光环”.她很兴奋 about the possibilities in Michigan, a large state with a deep history, prominent water resources and 其他 elements to explore.

Grokhovsky is an interdisciplinary artist whose work includes installations, drawing, sculpture, performance and more. She said her research interests include industry, labor and migration. 

Renee Zettle-Sterling, department co-chair, called Grokhovsky's artwork and research "profound and essential" and said she brings important insight to this role as an immigrant artist.

“她解决了流离失所的紧迫问题, collective trauma, and deeply investigates the meanings within 日常材料,”泽特尔-斯特林说. “卡蒂亚的工作, through including these perhaps challenging ideas, is a reminder that art holds the capacity to open hearts and minds to the 复杂的. 这个部门的职位给我带来了 opportunity to understand better what it means to be a maker, live a creative life and encourage thinking deeply about our world and our place in it and what responsibilities that brings."

A strructure with a roof and slim pillars contains covers of a fur-like material in colors of gold, 紫色和橙色. The words "Is there a place" are in the background.
卡蒂亚·格罗科夫斯基《有地方吗?, 2024
Image credit - Image credit: Alex Dotulong, courtesy of UAFS
人们穿着粉红色的毛绒绒的外套, 金色和绿色,戴着绿色的面具, blue and pink use their hands to gesture while standing in front of a green, 毛茸茸的球.
卡佳·格罗科夫斯基,《坏女人》,2024年. Performers: Katya Grokhovsky, Kelsey Werkheiser and Sierra Fancher
Image credit - Image credit: Jeffrey Burrell, courtesy of Bucknell University

Grokhovsky is currently working on a project titled "Common Language" that touches upon shared spaces, the process of building a community and how we communicate with each 其他. As she continues that work in West Michigan, one idea Grokhovsky is mulling is collaborating with someone to construct a furniture piece while using her background working with fabrics to 了解更多博天堂官方网页室内装潢的知识. 这样的作品对她来说将是第一次 and, crucially, an opportunity to learn something new.

"I'm thinking about as part of my exhibition at Grand Valley, possibly creating a piece that can be functional, that 人们可以坐在上面聊天,”格罗霍夫斯基说.

As for helping students with the business aspect of being an artist, Grokhovsky said her experience of professional loss during the pandemic reinforced the need to establish early systems of support and to always have a bank of ideas to help with a rough patch.

“你还有工作要做. 你一直都有 她说. “从经济上讲,我们处于困境 time and place where you can't wait for anything. 你必须得到 out there and create what you can, and that really propels you forward."

With Grokhovsky's planned arrival, the tenure of Kate Levy, who is currently in the residency role, is winding down.

Levy's place-based artistic research was centered on the historical impacts of the multinational conglomerate, Gulf and Western, including recent work with the Douglas Historical Society regarding an industrial site there connected to Gulf and Western, 视觉资源馆长Dulcee Boehm说.

“无论形式如何,凯特都会编织在一起 intentionally disparate-seeming histories to reveal relationships between land use, labor rights, corporate history and the ways these intersect with literal bodies in place," Boehm said. “凯特 is a generous teacher, a keen researcher and has demonstrated for students the rich breadth of form that artistic research can take."

An exhibition of Levy's work is planned for September; 细节待定.


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